Our Story
Experience Stories - a brand new, highly engaging, fast-loading and immersive content format.
Create Stories
Experience Stories - a brand new, highly engaging, fast-loading and immersive content format.
In addition to creating mobile-optimized websites without any coding, you have an opportunity to earn money from the website you create with us through revenue sharing with your own AdSense account.
In addition to creating mobile-optimized websites without any coding, you have an opportunity to earn money from the website you create with us through revenue sharing with your own AdSense account.
In addition to creating mobile-optimized websites without any coding, you have an opportunity to earn money from the website you create with us through revenue sharing with your own AdSense account.
To get started with revenue sharing, you need to link your AdSense account with us. For this, we will send you an invitation link through email. Once you accept the invitation, you will be redirected to your AdSense account where you will see an “Invitation to become a managed publisher”. When you accept the terms and conditions, your AdSense account will become our child account and we can start managing it.
NOTE: In case you do not have an AdSense account, you will need to create one. You will have to go through the normal application process to create the account. Once created, you can accept the invitation to link your account to ours.
After successful linking of the account, the decided upon revenue share will be set through the MCM tool. Your account will be partially managed by us, i.e, we will only manage, and share revenue from the ads on the subdomain you create with us. You can independently use your AdSense account on your other domains, no revenue from the ads on those domains will be shared with us.
With revenue sharing, you can monetize the website you create with us without having to worry about managing its AdSense account. If you choose our RevShare plan, your website will be hosted for free, and you will get to reap the benefits of perks like unlimited storage space, number of Stories, number of collaborators, and much more. Additionally, we will also help you optimize your ads for better online success.
Highlights of our RevShare plan are -
Refer to our pricing plans for further information.
To get started with revenue sharing,
Create a Website
While our system is still in beta, we would like a few early adopters to get started using it, to take advantage of the AMP Stories format, while it is still new. We would soon be opening up our sign-up feature, only for a limited number of early adopters.
To be the first to know about the launch of our sign-up feature and get the signup link, please follow us on:
You can also email us on:
orso that we'll email you the signup launch announcement.